Adil Rabbani
Ray tracer
Implemented a ray tracer in C++ as part of the rendering lab project at the University of Freiburg. Went through different resources to implement it including Peter Shirley's Ray tracing in One Weekend, Kevin Suffern's Ray tracing from the Ground Up and Scratchapixel.

p5.js WebGL primitives
Worked on p5.js WebGL primitives as part of Google Summer of Code 2018. This includes implementing arc, point, bezierVertex, curveVertex and quadraticVertex for the API, adding documentation and fixing any relavant bugs related to these primitives. A full list of my contributions can be seen here. Medium article about the work done in summer, can be seen here.

A simple multiplayer racing game using Three.js and This was made for Computer Graphics Project and we were given 10 days to make a game using Three.js. Me and my group member implemented collision detection (sphere-cube) and a simple accelerating effect for the ball. We implemented the algorithm for determining the position of the player using checkpoints and the distance between each consecutive checkpoint.
2 Cars on Canvas
Implemented the famous android game '2 Cars' on HTML Canvas. Build simple particles and a score system.
Mathemagician was an android application we (group of 3) developed for our course Advanced Programming. The application was targeted towards children who want to learn elementary mathematics the fun way. We created 6 different games for the application including 3 learning games to teach children how to count, add and subtract. And 3 testing games so that parents can test their children. I developed 3 games for the application including the learning and testing games for counting and the testing game for subtraction. The application was built using Corona SDK.

Data Visualization in Three.js
Visualized data using Three.js. Implemented interpolation algorithms for creating Bar graph and Pie chart.
Implemented Checkers on C++ as part of the Data Structures and Algorithms course. Implemented GUI using SFML. The game uses a simple A.I similar to Minimax. Used Linked Lists to store possible future moves and predict the next best move for the CPU.
IdeaForest was a social networking site I made along with my group members for our Web Engineering Project. The idea behind the project was to build a platform to unite the people with the right skills with the people with the right ideas. The site included a chat client and a realtime notifications system using Ajax. The user can post ideas, or cycle throguh different ideas posted by others. The user can also collaborate if he/she is interested in working on another's idea.